• The Anthropologist

    The film features the parallel stories of two women: Margaret Mead, who popularized cultural anthropology in America, and Susie Crate, an environmental anthropologist currently studying the impact of climate change. Uniquely revealed from their daughters' perspectives, Mead and Crate demonstrate a fascination with how societies are forced to negotiate the disruption of their traditional ways of life, whether through encounters with the outside world or through climate change.

    Link to trailer here

  • Podcasts on Slavic Connexion

    In 2019 and 2020 I had the pleasure of doing three podcasts with Slavic Connexion: Take me to Siberia; Voices of the Past: Songs of Rural Ukraine; and Siberian Overtones: Stories and Songs from Tuva.

  • Once Upon the Permafrost Book Presentation for Royal Anthropological Institute

    In November 2021, just as my book went to press, I gave a book presentation for the Royal Anthropological Institute, my 2018-2019 funder. Here is the link to the recording of the presentation.